About us
Our mission is to enable all Tasmanians to lead healthy, active lifestyles at every stage of life by creating supportive built and natural environments.
We represent researchers, planners, community groups and decision makers who share a vision for an active Tasmania.
How we work
The purpose of the Coalition is to:
1. translate evidence into policy and practice;
2. build on existing partnerships and develop new partnerships as required;
3. raise the profile of active living;
4. support, advise and advocate for improvements in the built and natural urban environments including improved access to our parks and open spaces; and
5. highlight the importance the built and natural urban environments play in active living
To lead, support and promote the creation of environments supporting active living, and to add value by providing a mechanism for an integrated approach and potentially drive behaviour change in relation to active living.
1. To provide and foster a forum for cross-agency and organisation collaboration to bring about an integrated, coordinated and enhanced response to support and promote active living and physical activity in Tasmania.
2. To use the evidence base from a wide range of disciplines to identify the broad range of factors influencing active living in the built and natural urban environment.
3. To provide a mechanism for professional development and capacity building of stakeholders.
4. To create a shared understanding across sectors of the relationships between key factors in the active living space and ensure they are effectively translated into policy. This includes housing, sport and recreation, education and research, policy and transport planning
5. To raise the profile of the importance of active living for physical activity and improved health outcomes.
The following organisations are members of the Coalition:
• Bicycle Network Tasmania
• Council on the Ageing (Tasmania)
• Cycling South
• Department of Communities Tasmania
• Department of Health (Tasmania)
• Department of Justice (Tasmania)
• Department of State Growth (Tasmania)
• Department of Premier and Cabinet (Tasmania)
• Heart Foundation
• Local Government Association of Tasmania/ local councils
• Metro Tasmania
• Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) (Tasmanian Division)
• Private consultants
• Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania (RACT)
• University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Membership The membership of the Coalition will comprise representatives from a range of state, local and non-government organisations who influence or have an interest in active living. Additional members may be co-opted to the Coalition (as part of working groups) from time to time where there is specialist expertise required relating to the objectives of the Coalition.
Position roles. The Chairperson will initially be nominated by the Department of Health – Public Health Services but after 12 months nominations will be taken to select a Chair for the Coalition.
Meeting frequency. The Coalition will meet at least three times a year. Additional meetings may be convened as required.
Representation. If members are unable to attend, they may send a proxy upon prior agreement with the Chair.
Decision making. A meeting quorum will be half the members of the Coalition (as determined by attendance at the first meeting) plus one and must include the Chair or their delegate. Any recommendations or endorsement required by the Coalition must be supported by a simple majority rule, with the Chair able to exercise a casting vote.
Meeting papers. Meeting agenda and minutes will be provided by the Secretariat. The Secretariat will also lead the coordination of meeting times, venues and papers. Meeting papers will be circulated at least five days before meetings and minutes circulated within two weeks of meetings.